Anti-Racism Resources
It's so important that we continue to educate ourselves about racial injustice and the part we play in it. It can be hard to know where to start. I've listed some recommendations here that I have found helpful. I hope you do too.
Recommended Study Group
I recently did a course called "Study and Action" through an organization called SURJ ~ Showing up for Racial Justice. Now the course is a standalone course with it's own website. The course was incredibly eye opening, informative and not always easy, but necessary work. It's also a great way to connect with a community of people who are willing to do this kind of social justice study. Click here to find an online Study and Action class. Our world needs us to show up right now.
Recommended Videos
Recommended Books
Click on each book to be taken to Amazon where you can buy it.
Recommended Movies & Series
These are some of the ones I've seen and HIGHLY recommend.
Click on each one to be taken to more info.
Click on each one to be taken to more info.
Recommended Podcasts
"Notice the Rage,
Notice the Silence"
Resmaa Menakem
Therapist, Trauma Specialist, and author of My Grandmother's Hands.
Notice the Silence"
Resmaa Menakem
Therapist, Trauma Specialist, and author of My Grandmother's Hands.
Seeing White is a very informative podcast series on Scene On Radio. I highly recommend it.
Click here to listen.
Click here to listen.
Listed below are two great lists of resources for finding out how each one of us can make a difference and educate ourselves.
- Racial Justice Resource List ~ Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr.
- Anti-Racism Resources ~ Compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker & Alyssa Klein